When can information about my health be needed in my hobby?

Health data is information that describes a person’s physical or mental health. It is personal data too.
Health data includes information:
- on a person’s illnesses or allergies, such as diabetes or an allergy to nuts;
- on a person’s mental health;
- on the medication being taken by someone; and
- on doctor’s appointments.
Health data must be protected carefully. The information can be sensitive, and not all people want to share it with others. In your hobby, for example, your coach or instructor may not tell others about your allergy or illness.
The hobby club or association may ask you or your custodian about your illnesses, medication or allergies. That information can be necessary to guarantee your health and safety in the hobby.
However, you should keep in mind that you do not have to tell all of your health information to the club. You can just tell them what they clearly need to know. For example, if you are allergic to nuts and sign up for a scout camp in the woods that includes meals, it is important to tell your instructor about the allergy so that you will not eat nuts by mistake. On the other hand, you do not need to tell them that you had chicken pox three years ago.
People can sometimes ask for your health information based on your consent. That means that it is up to you to decide whether to give the information or not. In such cases, you do not have to give your health information to the hobby organiser if you do not want to.More information about the processing of health information in hobbies is available from this article