Downloadable materials
Some materials of this site are collected on this page in downloadable form. You can download the materials, for example, for the purpose of printing.
Soon the guiding materials for different target groups will be available for download on this page, as well.
Consent template for associations
The following template for requesting consent for the processing of personal data has been specifically designed for hobby associations. The association needs to fill in certain sections of the template before using it to request consent.
Comic strips
The following comic strips depict situations related to data protection in hobbies and are specifically designed to inform children and young people about the processing of personal data. The comic strips can be used to increase awareness within your association. Feel free to print them and pin them to your walls to remind people about this important topic!
Guiding materials
The guiding material will soon be available for download in PDF format on this page. Before that, you can familiarize yourself with the online versions of the material.