Data protection in hobbies
This site contains guidelines on data protection legislation and the protection of personal data. The site is intended for associations that organise hobby activities, children and young people, parents, and everyone interested in learning more about data protection. Start by choosing the role that describes you most closely.

GDPR4CHLDRN – Ensuring data protection in hobbies
The GDPR4CHLDRN project provides information about the protection of personal data and data protection rights to children, young people and their parents. Materials targeted at them as well as icons that clarify concepts related to data protection will be developed in the project. In addition, a toolkit to support compliance with data protection legislation and its application will be created for associations and hobby clubs that organise hobby activities for children and young people.
You can test your basic knowledge of data protection with a short quiz that supports learning. After taking the quiz, you will receive a report telling you how well you did. If necessary, the report will refer you to additional information in the parts of the guide that will benefit you the most.

Check out these games and materials for promoting data protection awareness in children and young people
Games and quizzes can improve understanding of data protection Many games and quizzes about data protection have been developed to…

When can children’s and young people’s data be published online?
There are always risks associated with the disclosure of the personal data of children and young people. For example, the information may be disseminated more widely than originally intended. This is particularly true for social media and search engines. Children’s personal data must be protected because children themselves may not understand the risks and consequences of processing their personal data or they may not know their rights. This article explains what organisers of children’s hobbies should take into account when publishing children’s information.

Five tips for parents: How to build your child’s awareness and understanding of data protection
Children do not pick up data protection awareness and skills by themselves. In addition to early childhood education and care, schools and other entities that deal with and serve children, parents also have a major role in building awareness and competence in their children.

Processing children’s health data in hobby activities
Based on the initial survey of the GDPR4CHLDRN – ensuring data protection in hobbies project, people have questions about the processing of children’s health data, especially data on allergies, in hobby activities. This article is meant to provide some guidelines for the appropriate processing of children’s health data in hobby activities.