Data protection icons
We have designed six icons for clarifying terms and concepts related to data protection and the processing of personal data. The icons have been used in the guide materials on this website to illustrate which subjects the accompanying part of the text concerns.
Associations that organise hobby activities can use these icons to illustrate the processing of personal data to participants or other data subjects. Associations can also use the icons in the orientation of their employees and volunteers.
Each icon is accompanied by a title and description. At least the title or both the title and description must be included with any icons used by the association, as in the example below.

More information about the icons and instructions for their use can be found on this page. Download the icons and their accompanying instructions as a zip-file below. The downloadable instructions include machine-readable alt texts, which should be used to ensure accessibility in case the icons are used in an electronic form.
The icons

Descriptions of the icons

Icon description
Data protection legislation determines how personal data can be processed in hobby activities. Among other things, the controller has an obligation to process personal data with care and inform data subjects transparently about such processing.
How has the icon been used in the materials on this website?
The icon is used in guide materials when discussing the basis of data protection and data protection legislation.
How can an association organising hobby activities use the icon?
The association can use the icon when asking data subjects to provide their personal data, for example. The icon communicates that these situations involve the processing of personal data subject to data protection legislation. The icon can also be used for the orientation of association employees.

Icon description
The party that determines for what purposes and how personal data is being processed in hobby activities is the controller. In hobby activities, the party responsible for the processing of personal data is generally the controller of the personal data.
How has the icon been used in the materials on this website?
This icon has been used in parts of the guide that emphasise the controller’s obligations.
How can an association that organizes hobby activities use the icon?
The association can use the icon in situations in which it wants to stress that it is the controller responsible for the processing of personal data. The icon can also be used for the orientation of association employees.

Icon description
The data subject is the person to whom the personal data relates. In hobbies, those participating in the hobby and their custodians can be data subjects. Data subjects have data protection rights, such as the right to access personal data concerning themselves.
How has the icon been used in the materials on this website?
The icon is used in sections with content concerning data subjects, such as children or their parents. In the guidelines for associations, the icon is used in sections dealing with informing the data subjects or with the data subjects’ data protection rights.
How can an association organising hobby activities use the icon?
The association can use the icon when communicating to data subjects about their rights, for example when informing them of the processing of personal data. The icon can also be used for the orientation of association employees.

Icon description
Children’s personal data must be protected carefully, and children should be informed of the processing of their personal data in child-appropriate terms.
How has the icon been used in the materials on this website?
The icon is used in sections of the guide that instruct children. In the guides for the associations and the parents, the icon is used to mark when children’s personal data is being processed.
How can an association organising hobby activities use the icon?
The icon can be used to inform data subjects that children’s personal data is being processed. The icon can also be used for the orientation of association employees.

Icon description
Special categories of personal data or sensitive data include health data and information revealing a person’s ethnic origin or religious beliefs.
How has the icon been used in the materials on this website?
The icon is used in sections with content concerning the processing of special categories of personal data.
How can an association organising hobby activities use the icon?
The icon can be used to communicate that special categories of personal data are being processed. The icon can also be used for the orientation of association employees.

Icon description
A personal data breach means an incident that results in, for example, the destruction or loss of personal data, or that grants a party not authorised to process the data, access to the personal data.
How has the icon been used in the materials on this website?
The icon is used in sections of the guide materials that discuss personal data breaches and data protection.
How can an association organising hobby activities use the icon?
The association can use the icon when informing data subjects about a personal data breach. The icon can also be used for the orientation of association employees.