2. Sensitive personal data requires particularly careful protection

‘Special categories of personal data’ include sensitive information indicating the person’s ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health status, sexual orientation or sex life, as well as genetic and biometric data. As a rule, the processing of such personal data is prohibited. Such data may only be processed on special grounds and with special care.
Hobby organisers may process data about a person’s
- health,
- religious or philosophical beliefs,
- ethnic origin,
- political opinions,
- sex life and sexual orientation, and
- trade union membership.ammattiliiton jäsenyydestä.
Sensitive data must be protected especially well. The processing of special categories of personal data is only allowed on specific grounds laid down in the GDPR or other legislation. Hobby organisers can process such data on the following grounds:
- The data can be processed with the person’s informed and unambiguous consent. Explicit consent can be given by means such as signing a written statement, or with an electronic signature or two-factor authentication. For example, the person can first reply to an email sent by the hobby organiser, after which an electronic confirmation link or code will be sent to them.
- A political, philosophical or religious association or other non-profit organisation can process special categories of personal data when all of the following requirements are met:
- The data is being processed in connection with the organiser’s legal activities.
- The data is appropriately protected (e.g. technical safeguards, access rights management and password protection).
- The organisation is only processing the data of its members, former members or individuals with a close connection to the organisation.
- Data is not disclosed to outside parties without the person’s consent.